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Public consultation – PCR Part B for commercial lavatories

The Sustainable Minds Transparency Report [EPD] Framework is a 2-part PCR program that provides for continual improvements. The PCRs created in the program keep abreast with market and industry standards and practices. This new PCR has been drafted in conformance to the 2022 ACLCA PCR Open Standard.

The Framework is predicated on transparency, openness, and the participation of stakeholders and interested parties. The Part B approval process includes public consultation fulfilling the ISO 14025 Section 5.5 requirement of interested parties’ involvement. We welcome your participation.

This survey is for public comment on the new Part B for commercial lavatories.


Draft for public comment: SM Part B for commercial lavatories


This draft document is available for comments by any interested party or stakeholder during the open consultation period ending September 27, 2024.


Use this online form to provide comments, or email the completed Part B tab in the comment workbook to tab@sustainableminds.com.

